Go beyond 360 surveys and incorporate 360° feedback directly into your performance reviews. emPerform allows you to open up any performance review to peer feedback and view results in real-time.
emPerform tag offers easy & accessible functionality for sending and receiving feedback from anyone, anywhere, anytime – ensuring vital input is shared with employees and managers have full visibility into the behaviours of their teams.
Users can request input & feedback from anyone with just the click of a button
Collect feedback from peers to acknowledge employee achievements
Use 360° feedback to strengthen performance discussions & identify hidden opportunities
Multi-faceted perspectives to identify strengths and weakness and develop performance.
Capture feedback from multiple sources to help give managers the best, most accurate picture of the performance of their teams.
Enure employees are evaluated fairly by the many individuals they work with in their roles – peers, other managers, coaches, and project managers.
Reduce the time spent administering and compiling survey results. HR can enable a rich 360° process automatically!
Give managers and/or employees complete control over which raters are asked to provide 360° feedback.
HR, managers, and employees can nominate 360° reviewers easily within emPerform.
Respondents are notified and can login to emPerform to provide 360° feedback.
Users can access 360° input in real time inside emPerform and can export 360° feedback.
Your company can define permissions, anonymity, and visibility to ensure the best fit.
– Kevin Dawson, Talent Director at Barnes Dennig
– Joanna Quart, Manager of Business Support at Ultra Electronics