Employee Insights with ENPS

To create a thriving organisation, understanding your employees’ satisfaction and engagement is crucial. One effective tool that has recently gained traction is the Employee Net Promoter Score (ENPS). Deriving from the customer-focused NPS, ENPS provides a straightforward way to gauge employee loyalty and satisfaction. Here’s how you can leverage ENPS to gain valuable insights into your workforce.


What is ENPS?

The Employee Net Promoter Score was designed to measure employee satisfaction within an organisation. It stems from a simple question: “On a scale of 0-10, how likely are you to recommend our company as a place to work?” Based on their responses, employees are categorised into three groups:

  • Promoters (9-10): Highly satisfied employees who are likely to recommend the company.
  • Passives (7-8): Moderately satisfied employees who may not actively promote or detract from the company.
  • Detractors (0-6): Unsatisfied employees who may discourage others from joining the company.

The ENPS is calculated by subtracting the percentage of Detractors from the percentage of Promoters. The score can range from -100 to +100, providing a clear indicator of overall employee sentiment.

calculating enps score

Why ENPS Matters

ENPS offers a clear and concise measure of employee sentiment, making it easy to track trends over time. It allows organisations to benchmark their performance against industry standards or competitors. A high ENPS often indicates a motivated and engaged workforce, leading to higher productivity and lower turnover rates. Understanding the drivers behind employee satisfaction helps in implementing effective retention strategies.

There are some disadvantages to ENPS which should also be taken into consideration. For example, using one question can be quite restrictive and lead to limited results. It excludes employee experience and retention rates and so can paint a restricted picture of an organisation. As an employer, remember not to hinge everything on this one result as it doesn’t include all the necessary background. Using it alongside more detailed employee surveys, 360 degree feedback, SMART Goal management etc will give you the context to understand the ENPS result better.


Implementing ENPS in Your Organisation

  1. Create the Survey

While the core of ENPS revolves around the recommendation question, it’s beneficial to include follow-up questions to gather more detailed insights. For example, ask employees to explain the reasons behind their rating. This qualitative data can provide context to the scores and highlight specific areas for improvement. Why not try emPerform’s survey tools? emPerform simplifies the collection of organisational data needed for informed decision-making and helps engage a winning workforce. With anonymous options and easily accessible online survey options, emPerform provides the perfect platform for employees to comfortable feedback to employers.


  1. Analyse the Results

Break down ENPS results by department, tenure, and role to pinpoint specific areas of concern or success within different segments of your organisation. Continuously track ENPS over time to understand the impact of any changes or initiatives on overall employee sentiment with ongoing feedback. Additionally, compare your ENPS against industry standards or competitors to accurately gauge your organisation’s standing and identify areas for improvement or celebration.


  1. Take Action!

When it comes to taking action, following a comprehensive approach that links the 3 different results together will ensure a well-rounded evaluation. Address Detractor feedback carefully to identify and resolve critical issues that need immediate attention. Leverage the enthusiasm of Promoters by involving them in company initiatives, mentoring programs, and as advocates in recruitment efforts. Focus on converting Passives into Promoters by understanding their concerns and enhancing their overall work experience, ensuring they feel valued and engaged within the organisation. This comprehensive approach helps in creating a more positive and productive work environment.


Top Tips for ENPS Effectiveness

Regular Surveys

Conduct ENPS surveys regularly to keep a pulse on employee sentiment. Using a platform such as emPerform makes this easy with their performance reviews and ongoing feedback features.

Honesty and Transparency

Share the results with the organisation and communicate the steps being taken in response to the feedback. Being honest is vital. Neither employer or employee will benefit from the ENPS if organisational flaws, as well as successes, aren’t recognised and evaluated.

Leadership Involvement

Ensure that leadership is actively engaged and committed to using ENPS data to drive meaningful changes within the organisation. This involves not only reviewing the ENPS results but also dedicating time and resources to understanding the underlying issues and opportunities identified through the data. Leadership should collaborate with teams to develop and implement targeted action plans that address specific concerns and enhance overall employee satisfaction and engagement. By demonstrating a genuine commitment to using ENPS insights for continuous improvement, leaders can build trust and motivate employees to contribute to the organisation’s success.


Implementing action plans based on feedback and subsequently following up with employees is crucial to emphasise the value placed on their input and the organisation’s commitment to addressing their concerns. This initiative-taking approach not only demonstrates responsiveness but also fosters a culture of open communication and accountability. Furthermore, integrating SMART goals and actively engaging in succession planning initiatives serve as additional indicators of the organisation’s genuine interest in employee’s career development and long-term success.


ENPS is a powerful tool that provides a clear, actionable snapshot of employee feelings. By implementing ENPS surveys, analysing the results, and taking decisive action, organisations can foster a more engaged and loyal workforce. Ultimately, this leads to a positive workplace culture, higher productivity, and a competitive edge in attracting and retaining top talent. Your employees are your greatest asset, and understanding their needs and concerns is the first step towards building a thriving, successful organisation.

Embrace ENPS as a fundamental component of your organisation’s strategy to delve deeper into employee satisfaction and foster continuous improvement. Try emPerform for all the essential tools and features required to design a successful ENPS survey and effectively follow up on the results.

Book a FREE demo today or contact us to discuss how you can create an ENPS survey tailored to your organisation!


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